On the morning of the fast of Asarah B’Tevet a few weeks ago, I wanted to speak to my ninth-grade class about the reason and significance of the fast. I began by asking them, “So, what sad event happened today?” One of my students explained that the previous night during an NFL game between the

One of the many virtues of being a rebbe in Heichal HaTorah is the yeshivah’s Rebbe’s Room. I pick up many great Torah thoughts, perspectives, and

At the beginning of Shemoneh Esrei, we praise Hashem as “gomel chasadim tovim – grants good kindness.”

It seems like a strange vernacular. Is there

There is something special about sitting on the lap of a grandparent. It’s even more special when that grandparent begins to rub or scratch your

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach z”l related that when he was still living in his parents’ home, he had a nephew who stayed there for Chanukah. The night after

In celebration of her bat mitzvah last week, my daughter Chayala and I went on a father-daughter outing. No, we didn’t go to Eretz Yisrael, LA, or

There is something special about sitting on the lap of a grandparent. It’s even more special when that grandparent begins to rub or scratch your

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