In my previous life, I taught American history. I kept thinking this weekend about how the Founding Fathers must be turning in their graves seeing how low the depths of statesmanship and class have deteriorated in the Congress.   They have just been sworn in for the new term and members have

Lots of New Yorkers are grumbling about the city’s deteriorating subway system, and with good reason. Increasingly, trains are becoming dirtier, more

Wall Street is getting a lot of attention these days and understandably so. After all, investors are rattled. Historically, December has been a good

A scorpion enlists a frog to take him on his back across a stream, even though the frog is astute enough to protest that the scorpion “will surely

Poor ostriches get the unfair treatment; we make fun of them for burying their heads when danger is lurking. In fact, the common phrase “don’t stick

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