The new upscale school of Mount Wealthmore had begun its first school year.

The students absolutely loved school. There was no homework or tests because that could trigger undue anxiety. Classes could not be longer than twenty minutes because it could cause students to become jittery which could

One morning this week one of my fellow rabbeim chided me for eating a Greek Yogurt during breakfast. He wanted to know how I could eat anything Greek

A few years ago, Chani and I spent some time vacationing on Cape Cod. During one of those days we took a ferry to Martha’s Vineyard where we rented

In our home, Children’s Tapes are very important. More than anything else, we kick off the holiday season with the familiar sounds of certain

A few years ago, we erected our succah on our porch for the first time. Our porch, which is off our kitchen, is very high off the ground. It is also

A few years ago, on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks, I was recounting to my fifth grade students my personal memories of that horrific

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