During the last day or two of camp when I wake up my divisions, I jokingly tell them that they better get out of bed because if they miss the bus home it’s a long cold and lonely winter in camp.

A few years ago, it almost happened. It was the last day of camp and busses were stationed in different

Camp is an amazing place. In a certain sense it’s a fantasy land where a camper can spend all day with friends, have a slumber party every night, and

Did you ever hear anyone described as a “typical New Yorker”? Exactly what is it that makes someone a “typical New Yorker?”

The way I see it, it

I know people are busy so I’m going to try to keep this short.

The month of June is a wonderful time of year. By now the flowers and leaves are in

Someone sent me a cute article which contrasts the value of something, based on who is holding it. “A basketball in my hands is worth about twenty

The fast of the seventeenth of Tamuz ushers in the Three-Week period of mourning for the destruction of the Holy Temples. Although the Mishan (end of

A friend of mine related that he recently went to Yankees Stadium to watch a game. At the seventh inning stretch there was a minyan for ma’ariv at

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