First thanks to those of you who have reached out. This is not an easy letter to compose. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to share with you my observations and to explain why silence in the face of evil is not an option. Yesterday was an up day for those of us who are dual American

The Rambam (Hil. Taanit 1:1-3) writes:

“It is a positive commandment from the Torah to cry out and blow trumpets over any calamity that befalls the

To preface this article, I would like to state that I will make a true attempt to address the deepest concerns of those who are struggling with their

Here’s how you can get involved.

We all love New York City. And this year, New Yorkers have been showing their love by lending a helping hand as

Hashem says that there is a reason why you are in a specific situation going through an ordeal. There is a good reason why you are experiencing a

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